Detailed Walkthrough of the new Cashgram changes


Cashgram helps businesses to instantly send money to users when bank account details are not known. With Cashgram, you can pay your vendors, partners, customers, or others instantly when you only know their mobile number or email address. 

What changes in the new Cashgram?

Creating a Cashgram

With this new upgrade, you can now specify the type of disbursal you are doing with the Payout Type field (Example - refunds, reimbursements, rewards) and a brief note on why the disbursal is being made in the Payout Reason field.



Customizing your Cashgram checkout page:

You can now customize your checkout page with logos and colors that reflect your brand. Here’s how you do it,

  • Login to the Cashgram dashboard
  • Click on Settings > General > Branding
  • Once in, you can upload your logo, add your brand color to customize your Cashgrams, and enhance the experience for the end-user



Here’s how the checkout experience will look like for your end-users:


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