In your pod file add the following line pod 'CashfreePG', '2.0.19' . Ensure you are using the latest version of the SDK (find the versions here). Install the package using pod install.
To provide UPI payments on iOS you will also need to enable the following permissions in your app. Open the info.plist file and add the below content.
The first step in the Cashfree Payment Gateway integration is to create an Order. You need to do this before any payment can be processed. You can add an endpoint to your server which creates this order and is used for communication with your frontend.
API Request for Creating an Order
Here’s a sample request for creating an order using your desired backend language. Cashfree offers backend SDKs to simplify the integration process.
import{Cashfree}from"cashfree-pg";Cashfree.XClientId={ClientID};Cashfree.XClientSecret={ClientSecretKey};Cashfree.XEnvironment=Cashfree.Environment.PRODUCTION;functioncreateOrder(){var request ={"order_amount":"1","order_currency":"INR","customer_details":{"customer_id":"node_sdk_test","customer_name":"","customer_email":"","customer_phone":"9999999999"},"order_meta":{"return_url":""},"order_note":""}Cashfree.PGCreateOrder("2023-08-01", request).then((response)=>{var a =;console.log(a)}).catch((error)=>{console.error('Error setting up order request:',;});}
After successfully creating an order, you will receive a unique order_id and payment_session_id that you need for subsequent steps.
You can view all the complete api request and response for /ordershere.
Web Checkout is a streamlined payment solution that integrates Cashfree’s payment gateway into your iOS app through our SDK. This implementation uses a WebView to provide a secure, feature-rich payment experience.
Your customers are presented with a familiar web interface where they can enter their payment details and complete their transaction seamlessly. All payment logic, UI components, and security measures are managed by our SDK, eliminating the need for complex custom implementation.
To complete the payment, we can follow the following steps:
Create a CFSession object.
Create a Web Checkout Payment object.
Set payment callback.
Initiate the payment using the payment object created
This object contains essential information about the order, including the payment session ID (payment_session_id) and order ID (order_id) obtained from Step 1. It also specifies the environment (sandbox or production).
do{let session =tryCFSession.CFSessionBuilder().setOrderID(order_id).setPaymentSessionId(payment_session_id).setEnvironment(Utils.environment).build()return session;}catchlet e {let error = e as!CashfreeErrorself.createAlert(title:"Warning", message: error.localizedDescription)}
You need to set up callback handlers to handle events after payment processing.. The callback implements CFResponseDelegate to handle payment responses and errors. It must be initialized in viewDidLoad by calling CFPaymentGatewayService.getInstance().setCallback(self).
onError: Handles payment failures by displaying an alert with error details
verifyPayment: Called when payment needs merchant verification, shows status alert to user
Make sure to set the callback at activity’s onCreate as this also handles the activity restart cases.
extensionViewController:CFResponseDelegate{funconError(_ error:CFErrorResponse, order_id:String){self.createAlert(title: error.status ??"ERROR", message: error.message ??"error_message_not_present")}funcverifyPayment(order_id:String){self.createAlert(title:"VERIFY PAYMENT", message:"Payment has to be verified by merchant for \(order_id)")}}// Class Variablelet pgService =CFPaymentGatewayService.getInstance()overridefuncviewDidLoad(){super.viewDidLoad() pgService.setCallback(self)}
importCashfreeAnalyticsSDKimportCashfreePGimportCashfreePGCoreSDKimportCashfreePGUISDKclassViewController:UIViewController,CFResponseDelegate{// Class Variablelet pgService =CFPaymentGatewayService.getInstance()overridefuncviewDidLoad(){super.viewDidLoad() pgService.setCallback(self)}@IBActionfuncwebCheckoutButtonTapped(_ sender:Any){do{let session =tryCFSession.CFSessionBuilder().setPaymentSessionId(payment_session_id).setOrderID(order_id).setEnvironment(Utils.environment).build()let webCheckoutPayment =tryCFWebCheckoutPayment.CFWebCheckoutPaymentBuilder().setSession(session).build()try pgService.doPayment(webCheckoutPayment, viewController:self)}catchlet e {let err = e as!CashfreeErrorprint(err.description)}}// Protocol ImplementationfunconError(_ error:CFErrorResponse, order_id:String){self.createAlert( title: error.status ??"ERROR", message: error.message ??"error_message_not_present")}funcverifyPayment(order_id:String){self.createAlert( title:"VERIFY PAYMENT", message:"Payment has to be verified by merchant for \(order_id)")}}
Once the payment is completed, you need to confirm whether the payment was successful by checking the order status. Once the payment finishes, the user will be redirected back to your activity.
Ensure you check the order status from your server endpoint.
To verify an order you can call our /pg/orders endpoint from your backend. You can also use our SDK to achieve the same.
To confirm the error returned in your ios application, you can view the error codes that are exposed by the SDK.
CashfreeError is an Enum that inherits Foundations Error class. The following are some of the error codes that are exposed by the SDK:
The callback is missing in the request.
The “order_id” is missing in the request.
The “emi_tenure” is missing or invalid (It has to be greater than 0).
The id sent is invalid. The value has to be one of the following: “tez://”,“phonepe://”,“paytmmp://”,“bhim://. Please refer the note in CFUPI class for more details
The payment object that is set does not match any payment mode. Please set the correct payment mode and try again.
The CFWallet object is missing in the request
The CFNetbanking object is missing in the request.
The CFUPI object is missing in the request.
The CFCard object is missing in the request.
The url seems to be corrupt. Please reinstantiate the order.
The “session” is missing in the request
The “payment” is missing in the request
The “environment” is missing in the request.
The “order_token” is missing in the request.
The “channel” is missing in the request.
The “card_number” is missing in the request.
The “card_expiry_mm” is missing in the request.
The “card_expiry_yy” is missing in the request.
The “card_cvv” is missing in the request.
The “upi_id” is missing in the request
The “channel” is missing in the wallet payment request
The “phone number” is missing in the wallet payment request