With Cashfree Payments, you can verify IFSC information of the individual. You can verify using the dashboard or use our API to verify IFSC details. The verification retrieves information such as the bank name, branch name, address, and the supported payment modes.
Benefits of verifying IFSC information
Verifying the IFSC information of your customers is a crucial step in maintaining the integrity and security of financial transactions
- Accuracy in transactions
Ensures that the bank details provided by the individual are correct.
- Security
Helps in preventing fraudulent activities by verifying the bank account details belong to a legitimate financial institution.
- Compliance
Many regulations require verification of banking details to comply with legal and regulatory standards.
👍 Verify IFSC for Free!
You can verify your beneficiary IFSC details for free using Free Credits. With this limited-time offer, experience and test the feature without paying any verification charges.
A banner displays the offer for you on the Verification Suite - IFSC page (Verification Suite Dashboard > Verification Suite - IFSC). Click Claim Free Credits and instantly redeem the credits to your account.
Verify IFSC
Follow the instructions below to verify IFSC from the dashboard:
- Log in to the Verification Suite dashboard using your credentials.
- From the Home screen, click Bank Account/UPI > IFSC on the left navigation pane.
- Enter the IFSC information in the Enter IFSC field.
- Click Verify.
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