With Cashfree, Checkout is no longer a black box. Track Checkout, Payment Links, and Payment Forms by pushing events to your favorite analytics provider.

Drive better conversions with Cashfree checkout by sending the events to your favorite Analytics provider.

Google Analytics (GA4):

Merchants can add Measurement ID on the merchant dashboard and start receiving events on GA4 dashboard.
Uncover valuable insights powered by Google Analytics.

Add Measurement ID in Developers Section —> External Analytics. Start tracking the events in your GA dashboard.

**Sample GA Dashboard **

You can mark payment events as Conversions on the GA dashbaoard.

Events pushed on Checkout

Event NameEvent meaning
cf_checkout_loadCheckout loaded successfully
cf_checkout_transaction_initiateCustomer initiated a transaction
cf_transaction_successTransaction completed successfully
cf_transaction_failureTransaction Failed
cf_retry_checkoutTransaction failed, and the customer was redirected to checkout to retry
cf_return_to_merchantCustomer is redirected to the merchant page.

Events pushed on Payment Link/ Payment Form

Event NameEvent Meaning
cf_pl_loadPayment Link loaded successfully
cf_pf_loadPayment Form Loaded successfully
cf_checkout_initiatedCheckout initiated from Payment Link/Payment Form
cf_purchase_completedPayment completed successfully

In case you want to send events to your analytics provider and don’t find it in the above list, Please reach out at care@cashfree.com.