Use this PAN Verification via OCR API to verify and validate the PAN information quickly. Provide the front image of PAN and a verification ID. View the test data and use the information to trigger the validations. The test data are usable only in the test environments such as gamma and sandbox.
Response Codes
Sub Code | Status | Message | Next Action |
200 | SUCCESS | PAN card is valid | - |
200 | SUCCESS | PAN card is Invalid | Upload a valid PAN card copy. |
400 | ERROR | File size exceeded 10MB limit | The max file size of the file is 10MB. |
400 | ERROR | please upload the file of valid format(jpeg/jpg/png) | Allowed file type - JPEG/JPG/PNG. |
400 | ERROR | verification_id is missing in the request. | Enter a unique verification ID in the request. |
400 | ERROR | Front Image File is missing | Upload the copy of the PAN card in the front_image parameter. |
400 | ERROR | verification_id can include a maximum of 50 characters. | The maximum character limit is 50. |
400 | ERROR | verification_id can include only alphanum, dot, hyphen and underscores. | Only alphanumeric, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore ( Â ) are allowed. |
400 | ERROR | Client secret belongs to test environment | Enter the correct environment credentials in the request. |
400 | ERROR | x-client-id is missing in the request | Enter all the header information in the API request. |
401 | ERROR | Invalid clientId and clientSecret combination | Enter valid client ID and secret key in the request. |
403 | ERROR | IP not whitelisted your current ip is IP whitelisting assistance, visit our guide at | Whitelist the IP address. |
422 | ERROR | Insufficient balance to process this request. | Ensure you have sufficient balance and then process the request. |
500 | ERROR | Unable to validate, please retry later | Try again after some time. |
Client ID. You can find your ID in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret key in the Merchant Dashboard.
It is the API version. To receive the aadhaar seeding status in the response, use any date after 2022-09-12
Send the signature if IP is not whitelisted
Find the request parameters to verify PAN via OCR
It is the scanned copy of the PAN card. Allowed file type - JPEG/JPG/PNG.
It is the unique ID you create to identify the verification request. The maximum character limit is 50. Only alphanumeric, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ) are allowed.
PAN Verification via OCR success response
It displays the age of the individual.
It displays the level of confidence or reliability associated with the PAN verification.
It displays the incorporation date of the individual's organisation.
It displays the date of birth of the individual.
It displays the father's name of the individual.
It displays details about the success or failure of the API request.
It displays the name of the PAN holder.
It displays the name of the organisation the individual runs.
It displays the entered PAN information in the request.
It displays the type of PAN issued to the individual.
It displays the unique ID created by Cashfree Payments for reference purposes.
It displays the status of the PAN information.
It displays whethere the entered PAN information is valid.
It displays the unique ID you created to identify the request.
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