Create Beneficiary V2
Use this API to add a beneficiary to your Cashfree Payments account by providing the bank account number, IFSC, and other required details. Ensure the successful creation of the benficiary in your account before initiating a transfer.
Client ID. You can find your app id in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret in the Merchant Dashboard.
It is the API version to be used. The accepted format is YYYY-MM-DD.
It is the request ID for the API call. This ID can be used to resolve tech realted issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to Cashfree Payments.
Find the request parameters to create a beneficiary
It is the unique ID you create to identify the beneficiary. Alphanumeric, underscore ( _ ), pipe ( | ), and dot ( . ) are allowed.
It is the name of the beneficiary. The maximum character limit is 100. Only alphabets and whitespaces are allowed.
It should contain the contact details of the beneficiary.
Beneficiary instrument details
Contains the information of the created beneficiary
It displays the time of the addition of the beneficiary in UTC.
It displays the contact details of the beneficiary.
It displays the unique Id you created to identify the beneficiary.
It displays the payment instrument details of the beneficiary.
It displays the name of the beneficiary.
It displays the current status of the beneficiary. Possible values are as follows
: Beneficiary is verified and is available for payoutsINVALID
: Beneficiary is invalidINITIATED
: Beneficiary verification initiatedCANCELLED
: Beneficiary verification cancelledFAILED
: Failed to verify beneficiaryDELETED
: Beneficiary is deleted
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