Transfers requiring your review are listed under the Flagged Transfers tab. Merchants can evaluate the authenticity of each transfer and decide whether to approve or reject it.

To view flagged transfers:

  1. Log in to the dashboard using your Cashfree Payments credentials.
  2. Navigate to Payout Protect > Risky Transfers. By default, you will land on the Flagged Transfers tab.

Components of flagged transfers

The Flagged Transfers tab includes the following components:

Pending for Review

This section displays the total amount and number of transactions awaiting review. The transfers are stopped for approval and only go ahead after the authorised person approves them.

The Pending for Review table includes the following details:

  • Initiated At: The time the transfer was initiated.
  • Transfer ID: The unique identifier for the transfer.
  • Amount: The transfer amount.
  • Flagged Reason: The reason the transfer was flagged.
  • Transfer Status: The current status of the transfer.
  • Allow / Block Transfer: Actions to approve or block the transfer.

Manually Allowed

This section displays the total amount and number of manually approved transactions.

The Manually Allowed table includes the following details:

  • Initiated At: The time the transfer was initiated.
  • Transfer ID: The unique identifier for the transfer.
  • Amount: The transfer amount.
  • Flagged Reason: The reason the transfer was flagged.
  • Transfer Status: The current status of the transfer.
  • Allow / Block Transfer: Name of the person who manually approved the transfer.

Manually Blocked

This section displays the total amount and number of transactions blocked manually.

The Manually Blocked table includes the following details:

  • Initiated At: The time the transfer was initiated.
  • Transfer ID: The unique identifier for the transfer.
  • Amount: The transfer amount.
  • Flagged Reason: The reason the transfer was flagged.
  • Transfer Status: The current status of the transfer.
  • Allow / Block Transfer: Name of the person who manually blocked the transfer.


This section displays the total amount and number of transactions auto-approved.

The Auto-Allowed table includes the following details:

  • Initiated At: The time the transfer was initiated.
  • Transfer ID: The unique identifier for the transfer.
  • Amount: The transfer amount.
  • Flagged Reason: The reason the transfer was flagged.
  • Allow / Block Transfer: Indicates the transaction status as auto-approved.

Additional features

The Flagged Transfers tab includes the following features:

  • Last 30 Days: Use the dropdown menu to select the time period for viewing blocked transfers. You can also choose a custom date range.
  • Configuration: Define how flagged transfers, identified by the Payout Protect ML model, should be managed. The available options are:
    • Keep Pending for Review: Flagged transfers will remain unprocessed until manually reviewed.
    • Auto-Allow: Flagged transfers will be automatically approved, and you will receive a notification.
  • Export: Export the table data in .CSV format for offline use or analysis.
  • Results per Page Filter: Adjust the number of transactions displayed using this filter.

Allowing flagged transfers

To approve a flagged transfer:

  1. Select the Pending for Review section.
  2. Click the Allow Transfer button for the transfer you wish to approve.
  3. In the Authenticate popup, enter the OTP and click Confirm. The transfer will move to the Manually Allowed section.

Blocking flagged transfers

To block a flagged transfer:

  1. Select the Pending for Review section.
  2. Click the Block Transfer button for the transfer you wish to block.
  3. In the Authenticate popup, enter the OTP and click Confirm.
  4. In the Block Transfer popup, optionally enter a reason in the Why are you blocking? field.
  5. Click Yes, Block. The transfer will move to the Manually Blocked section.

Viewing transfer details

Click on a transfer to view detailed information about that specific transaction. The page provides the following details:

  • Reason: The reason the transfer was flagged, manually allowed, manually blocked, or auto-allowed.
  • Date: The date and time the transfer was flagged, manually allowed, manually blocked, or auto-allowed.
  • Transfer Options: Provides the following options based on the transfer status:
    • Block: Option to block the transfer.
    • Allow: Option to approve the transfer.
    • Allow & Whitelist Beneficiary: Option to approve the transfer and add the beneficiary to the whitelist.
    • Whitelist Beneficiary: Option to add the beneficiary to the whitelist.
    • Person Allowed: Indicates the person who approved the transfer.
    • Person Blocked: Indicates the person who blocked the transfer.
    • Auto-Allowed: Indicates that the transfer was automatically approved.
  • History of Successful Payouts: Details of the first successful payout to this beneficiary.
  • Last 30 Days: The number of payouts and the total amount transferred to this beneficiary in the past 30 days, categorised by Successful, Pending for Review, and Blocked statuses.
  • Lifetime: The total number of payouts and the cumulative amount transferred to this beneficiary over time. The data refreshes every six hours.
  • Transfer ID: The unique identifier for the transfer.
  • Transfer Status: Current status of the transfer, such as “Pending Approval.”
  • Beneficiary Details: Provides the following information:
    • Beneficiary ID
    • Phone Number
    • Beneficiary Name
    • Email ID
  • Transfer Details: Provides the following information:
    • UTR Number

    • CF Reference ID

    • Initiated At

    • Processed On

    • Fund Source

    • Transfer Method

    • Acknowledged Status

    • Status Description