
It displays the status of the bank account.

VALIDThe account is successfully verified.
INVALIDThe account is invalid.
RECEIVEDThe transaction request has been successfully received and is awaiting processing or verification.
FAILEDThe transaction failed due to an error or issue on the bank’s side.
REJECTEDThe transaction was rejected, typically due to issues such as insufficient funds.
APPROVAL_PENDINGThis status indicates that the verification process is awaiting merchant approval of the submitted files to proceed further.
PARTIALLY_APPROVEDThis status indicates that some of the submitted data or files have been approved for verification.
IN_PROCESSThis status indicates that the request is currently under validation, and the verification process is actively ongoing.
CANCELLEDThis status indicates that the request was terminated by the user and will not proceed further.
PROCESSINGThis status indicates that the request is being actively handled, and the system is working on completing the verification or transaction.
MANUALLY_REJECTEDThis status indicates that the request was explicitly reviewed and rejected by a user.


ACCOUNT_IS_VALIDBank account has been successfully verified.
FRAUD_ACCOUNTFraudulent activity has been detected involving the bank account and IFSC. As a precautionary measure, both the account and IFSC have been blocked to prevent future transactions. To request unblocking, please contact your account manager or fill out the Support Form.
FAILED_AT_BANKThe transaction failed due to an error or issue at the bank’s end.
NPCI_UNAVAILABLEThe transaction could not be processed because the NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) service is currently unavailable.
CONNECTION_TIMEOUTThe transaction failed due to a timeout while trying to establish a connection with the bank.
SOURCE_BANK_DECLINEDThe transaction was declined by the source bank due to issues at their end.
BENE_BANK_DECLINEDThe transaction was declined by the bene bank due to issues at their end.
IMPS_MODE_FAILThe transaction failed because it could not be processed through the IMPS mode.
BENEFICIARY_BANK_OFFLINEThe transaction could not be processed because the beneficiary’s bank is currently offline or unreachable.
VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESSThe transaction is currently being validated and is awaiting confirmation.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_FAILThe transaction failed because the provided account details are invalid.
INVALID_IFSC_FAILThe transaction failed because the provided IFSC code is invalid or incorrect.
VERIFICATION_ALREADY_UNDER_PROCESSThe verification is already in progress, and another verification request cannot be processed at this time.
NRE_ACCOUNT_FAILThe transaction failed because the account is a Non-Resident External (NRE) account, which is not supported for this transaction type.
ACCOUNT_BLOCKEDThe transaction failed because the account is blocked and cannot process transactions.
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEThe transaction failed due to insufficient funds in merchant account for process transaction.


It displays the result of the name match verification. Name match verification is done against name provided in the request and name associated with bank account.

DIRECT_MATCHIndicates that the name provided in the request matches exactly with the name associated with the bank account.
GOOD_PARTIAL_MATCHIndicates a strong similarity between the provided name and the name associated with the bank account, with minor differences.
MODERATE_PARTIAL_MATCHIndicates a noticeable similarity between the provided name and the name associated with the bank account, but with more significant variations or missing details.
POOR_PARTIAL_MATCHIndicates a weak similarity between the provided name and the name associated with the bank account, suggesting a potential mismatch but with some common elements.
NO_MATCHIndicates that there is no recognizable similarity between the provided name and the name associated with the bank account, or the names are entirely different.

Example of name_match_result.

Given NameName at bankMatch ScoreMatch ResultAccount Number
JOHN DOEjohn doe100.00DIRECT_MATCH026291800001191
JOHN DOEjohn d85.00GOOD_PARTIAL_MATCH026291800001191
JOHN DOEj doe70.00MODERATE_PARTIAL_MATCH026291800001191
JOHN DOEjane d38.00POOR_PARTIAL_MATCH026291800001191
TOM WELLStom wells100.00DIRECT_MATCH1233943142
TOM WELLStim lee38.00POOR_PARTIAL_MATCH1233943142
BOB HOPEbob hope100.00DIRECT_MATCH388108022658
BOB HOPEbob h85.00GOOD_PARTIAL_MATCH388108022658
BOB HOPEbane hue38.00POOR_PARTIAL_MATCH388108022658