Create vendor
Use this API to create a new vendor to your EasySplit account along with the KYC details. Provide KYC details such as account_type, business_type, gst, cin, pan, passport number and so on.
Client app ID. You can find your app id in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret in the Merchant Dashboard.
API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD
Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree
An idempotency key is a unique identifier you include with your API call. If the request fails or times out, you can safely retry it using the same key to avoid duplicate actions.
Create Vendor Request
Specify the unique Vendor ID to identify the beneficiary. Alphanumeric and underscore (_) allowed.
Specify the status of vendor that should be updated. Possible values: ACTIVE,BLOCKED, DELETED
Specify the name of the vendor to be updated. Name should not have any special character except . / - &
Specify the vendor email ID that should be updated. String in email ID format ( should contain @ and dot (.)
Specify the beneficiaries phone number to be updated. Phone number registered in India (only digits, 8 - 12 characters after excluding +91).
Specify the kyc details that should be updated.
Specify if the vendor bank account details should be verified. Possible values: true or false
Update if the vendor will have dashboard access or not. Possible values are: true or false
Specify the settlement cycle to be updated. View the settlement cycle details from the "Settlement Cycles Supported" table. If no schedule option is configured, the settlement cycle ID "1" will be in effect. Select "8" or "9" if you want to schedule instant vendor settlements.
Specify the vendor bank account details to be updated.
Updated beneficiary upi vpa. Alphanumeric, dot (.), hyphen (-), at sign (@), and underscore allowed (100 character limit). Note: underscore and dot (.) gets accepted before and after @, but hyphen (-) is only accepted before @ sign.
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